Now that Barack Obama has been sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. I don’t think anybody doubts he is inheriting major challenges on the domestic front, including a national unemployment rate approaching 7.0%, a failing domestic auto industry, and a national debt expected to reach $13 Trillion (USD) by the end of this year. Hence, President Obama and his newly appointed cabinet will be very busy fine-tuning the economy. Interesting enough, many Microsoft customers are looking for ways to fine tune their Microsoft Dynamics AX (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta) environments.
As one of the original Damgaard Partners in the United States, the architects at ASi are often involved in optimizing Microsoft Dynamics AX environments. Our team recently added a new and very interesting piece of software to our arsenal called Inventory II to provide some added improvements to the standard Inventory module and just may offer AX users a bit of help tuning their system.
Inventory II is written by FSB Development , founded by three of the four original software developers involved in creating the original Damgaard inventory module now known as Microsoft Dynamics AX. Interestingly enough, the product was inspired by a database principle called watermarking. For those not familiar with watermarking, a database uses a mark, normally a “high” watermark to represent the largest amount of space encountered within a particular segment. This watermark moves only one way, upward and represents a boundary between used and unused space and has a major impact on database resources.
Inventory II, with only 10 form changes, uses this watermark technology to dramatically improve the efficiency of the Microsoft Dynamics AX application—specifically, any process involving inventory such as master planning and the time consuming process of computing an items average cost. This is done not by altering the standard business logic, but instead by separating relevant and non-relevant data and the constant calculating of item specific watermarks, thereby, eliminating the need to perform time-consuming end-of-period inventory procedures, resulting in real-time inventory values.
Although performance improvements can vary by Microsoft Dynamics AX environment, Inventory II customers have reported CPU load reductions of up to 75% combined with similar reductions in time necessary to re-generate full master plans. Many of ASi’s customers enjoy routinely pushing the limit of Microsoft Dynamics AX by processing hundreds-of-thousands of inventory transactions from multiple sites (located in different time zones) using the maximum allowable item and storage dimensions. For companies that live/die by MRP, Inventory II allows them to run this resource intensive process 24/7 providing timely and relevant data in which to make better business decisions.
About Advanced Systems Integration Inc.
Advanced Systems Integration, Inc.(ASi) is a Gold Certified Microsoft Dynamics AX and Learning Solutions partner founded in 1991. ASi delivers comprehensive enterprise class applications that improve customer relations, enhance partner collaboration and create efficiencies across supply chains and business operations. ASi also offers industry specific extensions integrated with Microsoft Dynamics AX solution. Based in Orange County, California, ASi serves the Southern California greater area including the counties of San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino. Please visit the company’s web site at